How to water newly planted trees during the establishment period: Watering your Tree (PDF)
Drought Advice for tree owners: Drought Advice (PDF)
In You can save trees and pollinators, too, Fred clarifies treatment options for the recent Emerald Ash Borer infestation. This short piece originally appeared as a Guest Opinion in Boulder Colorado’s Daily Camera in June 2014.
In Emerald Ash Borer Update, 2/1/2015, Fred updates information in the June 2014 Daily Camera article. This piece appeared in Boulder County Home & Garden, February 2015.
When landscaping and construction practices do not consider the health of existing trees, damage, disease, and death may result. With the maturation of our urban forests in recent decades, and with increased demand for renovation of existing landscapes, a new approach, one that regards tree preservation as a central focus, is called for.
Below are several articles describing common risks to existing trees along with strategies for avoiding construction damage and, thus, fostering tree preservation. The first two originally appeared as Guest Opinion pieces in Boulder Colorado’s Daily Camera.
- Preserving Boulder’s Roots, Daily Camera, March 2002.
- Expanding Homes Can Threaten Trees, Daily Camera, April 27, 2008.
- Landscaping Around Trees (PDF, 7.3MB) is a much more detailed article that appeared in Colorado Green Magazine in January 2007.